“Seer” – new Irish Horror
27/October/2008So I have finally got around to going live with my blog. Its only taken me 3 years, 4 months, and some IT advice from a 19 year old. I don’t know which part of the last sentence is more worrying, although I suspect its the part where I said “going live”.
So what’s it all about then? Well just about everything! Be it cultural reviews or ponderings, details of a bumpy flight I had, or just a rant! I will also be bringing over the coming months interviews with the stars, and the not so starry! I’ll let you decide which is which. We all love a bit of banter don’t we?
Nice to see it’s live 🙂
Well done on getting this up, and even though I’m scared of scary things, its an…er…em….interesting read on what I’m missing!